
Find solutions-oriented advice about all relevant aspects of commercial contracts, risk management and restructuring.

Penta Advokater considers your business enterprise from a holistic perspective and provides solutions-oriented advice about all relevant aspects of commercial contracts, risk management and restructuring.

Our committed team of specialists will assist your business enterprise with competent and professional advice as it develops, as society transitions or if some other form of legal assistance becomes required.

Advice about the contracts of the business enterprise

The contracts of the business enterprise must reflect the conditions and needs of that business enterprise. Contracts must also be up-to-date and take current legislation into account.

Contracts are the foundation of a good collaboration, so it is important that they are adapted to individual circumstances and that they accommodate both parties appropriately.

The contracts of the business enterprise can increase the value of such business enterprise and help to prevent conflicts.

Click here to find out about the various types of contracts for which we can provide advice.

Minimising the risks of the business enterprise

It is important that the contracts of the business enterprise reflect the obligations which the business enterprise has undertaken as the consequences of non-fulfilment of such obligations will ultimately fall back on the business enterprise.

The contracts and the working routines of the business enterprise occupy a large role in relation to the risks of the business enterprise.

Contracts and working routines are two central focus areas when minimising the risks of the business enterprise through targeted risk management.

Click here to find out how we work with risk management

Restructuring of the business enterprise

Restructuring of the business enterprise can be a necessity or simply good sense for a variety of reasons.

A restructuring may, for example, concern optimisation in relation to ownership, risks or scale, or the implementation of corporate law transactions such as founding companies, setting up holding structures or corporate mergers and demerges.

Good advice can help you to make the right decisions when choosing a solution model for the restructuring of the business enterprise and ensures that you avoid the pitfalls that can be associated with the various forms of optimisation. 

Click here to find out how we can help you to restructure your business enterprise

Do you need legal advice?

Contact Penta Advokater for a non-binding answer about how we can assist your business enterprise by providing advice that is based on the specific needs and challenges of your business enterprise.